Politica de Cookies
  1. What is the purpose of this policy? This policy regulates the use of cookies and establishes the legal basis of the company SC COSROM COSMETICS SRL for the use of "cookies" and similar technologies on the website or on systems related to the website www.casiani.ro.
When we refer to Casiani, "we", "our company" or "our society" in this statement, we refer to SC COSROM COSMETICS SRL.

This policy is valid starting from November 15, 2023.

  1. What are Cookies and What Are They Used For? Cookies are small alphanumeric files sent from a website server to a web browser (e.g., Chrome, Firefox, Safari, etc.), RAM memory, or hard drive and then stored there. These files enable the recognition of the user's terminal and the presentation of content in a relevant manner, tailored to the user's preferences. They can be used for various purposes, such as: personalizing the website according to a specific user's needs, assisting a user in navigating the website, improving the website's quality for the user, or storing the user's preferences and login information. All of this is done to allow us to improve their structure and content, excluding the direct personal identification of the user.
Cookies can be classified as "essential" (necessary for the functioning of the website) or "non-essential" (necessary for analyzing behavior on a website, "analytical" cookies, or cookies used for displaying advertisements). Cookies can also be classified as session cookies (remaining on the device as long as the web browser is open) and persistent cookies (expiring at a fixed point in time or if manually deleted from the web browser). Cookies can also be ours (belonging to the visited website) or third-party cookies (cookies placed on your device by domains of websites belonging to third parties).

What are third-party cookies?

Certain content sections on a web page may be provided through third parties, meaning not by our website, in which case these cookies are called third-party cookies. Third-party providers of cookies must also comply with data protection rules. On our website, these cookies may come from the following third parties:

Google Adsense: It is an advertising network, cookies are used to display relevant ads on this site.

Facebook: For social communication functions, such as Facebook like and share buttons or comments via Facebook.

Our website uses the types of cookies described above. Additional information about cookies can be found by accessing the following website: www.allaboutcookies.org

  1. Do Cookies Contain Personal Data? Cookies themselves do not request direct personal information to be used and, in most cases, do not personally identify internet users. Indirect personal data collected through the use of Cookies may only be collected to facilitate certain functionalities for the user.
  2. Why Are Cookies Important to You? Cookies are at the heart of the efficient operation of the Internet, helping to generate a user-friendly browsing experience tailored to the preferences and interests of each user. Cookies are everywhere and cannot be avoided if you want to enjoy access to the best and largest websites on the Internet - local or international. With a clear understanding of how they operate and the benefits they bring, you can take the necessary security measures so that you can browse the internet with confidence.
Disabling and refusing to receive cookies can make certain websites impractical or difficult to visit and use. Also, refusing to accept cookies does not mean that you will no longer receive/see online advertising.

  1. How Are Cookies Accepted or Rejected? There are several different ways to accept or reject some or all types of cookies. Some of the main methods of doing this are described below. You are welcome to block the use of some or all cookies used on the website. However, please be aware that this may affect the website and its functionality partially or completely. You should also be aware that deleting all cookies from your web browser will also delete all cookie modules storing your preferences, for example, whether you have accepted the use of cookies on a website or any cookies blocking other cookies.
Detailed information about cookies and browser settings can be found by accessing the following link: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/

There are several ways to manage cookies. Cookie Control Tool You can accept or reject [non-essential] cookies using our cookie management tool at: https://www.site.ro/gdpr/profile

Browser Settings You can accept or reject some or all cookies (e.g., by blocking all third-party cookies) by adjusting your browser settings. How to do this can be found by accessing the following links for the most popular web browsers:

Some browsers, such as Chrome and Firefox, allow you to adjust settings for browsing in "incognito" mode, limiting the amount of data entered on the device and automatically deleting all persistent cookies entered on the device when the browsing session ends. There are also numerous third-party applications that can be added to your browser to block or manage cookies.

Existing Cookies To delete cookies that were previously placed in your browser, you should select the option to delete your browsing history, making sure that the option to delete cookies or your browsing history is enabled when doing so.

Google Adsettings Customizing ads is done by accessing https://adssettings.google.com/ and deselecting the "Personalize ads" option (i.e., by ensuring that the switch at the top of the page is set to left/gray and not to right/blue). Alternatively, you can install a free browser plugin here: https://support.google.com/ads/answer/7395996

Browser Extension for Excluding Google Analytics You can opt-out of Google Analytics by installing the browser extension available here: http://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout

Disconnecting from Facebook Pixel There is the possibility to install a browser extension called "Disconnect Facebook pixel and FB tracking". This will prevent Facebook from tracking your behavior on third-party websites. These can be installed by accessing:

For Chrome: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/disconnect-facebook-pixel/nnkndeagapifodhlebifbgbonbfmlnfm?hl=en For Firefox: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-GB/firefox/addon/facebook-disconnect/

Interactive European Digital Advertising Tool You can opt-out of Facebook and other companies that are part of the Digital Advertising Alliance from displaying interest-based ads by visiting http://www.youronlinechoices.com, selecting your country, selecting "Your ad choices," then finding Facebook (and any other companies you want to block) and selecting the "Off" option.

  1. Security Aspects Cookies are NOT viruses! They use plain text formats. They are not made up of code snippets, so they cannot be executed or self-run. Consequently, they cannot duplicate or replicate on other networks to run or replicate again. Because they cannot perform these functions, they cannot be considered viruses.